Select this item to replace all sizes of Monaco with the substitute font. Select this item to replace only Monaco 9 with the substitute font. Wow! Use this popup menu to select a size of Monaco to substitute in place of Monaco 9. Use this popup menu to select a size of Monaco to substitute in place of Monaco 9. Not available because resizing of Monaco 9 is currently off. Resizing of Monaco 9 is currently on. To turn off substitution of the selected size of Monaco in place of Monaco 9, click in this box. Resizing of Monaco 9 is currently unavailable because this version of “Monaco Tuner” did not load at startup. Resizing of Monaco 9 is currently off. To turn on substitution of the selected size of Monaco in place of Monaco 9, click in this box. Use this popup menu to select which size(s) of Monaco to replace with the substitute font. The current setting replaces all sizes of Monaco with the substitute font. Use this popup menu to select which size(s) of Monaco to replace with the substitute font. The current setting replaces only Monaco 9 with the substitute font. Use this popup menu to select which size(s) of Monaco to replace with the substitute font. Not available because Monaco font substitution is currently off. Use this popup menu to select a font to substitute in place of Monaco. Use this popup menu to select a font to substitute in place of Monaco. Not available because Monaco font substitution is currently off. Monaco font substitution is currently on. To turn off substitution of the selected font in place of Monaco, click in this box. Monaco font substitution is currently unavailable because this version of “Monaco Tuner” did not load at startup. Monaco font substitution is currently off. To turn on substitution of the selected font in place of Monaco, click in this box.